甲甲学英语from bbc:每日一段,一句,一词……. (1)一个关键词boost。机器翻译:促进。机器字典:动词,促进、抬高、标榜、捧;名词,鼓舞…….. (2)一句话新闻 “Better use of the so-called ‘golden waterway’ can boost economic integration between developed and impoverished regions and inject fresh energy into China’s economic growth,” ……… (3)借助Google机器翻译,从上面这段话缩简为一个关键词的逆过程(看上去是从一个词到词组、一句、一大段);促进boost<~可以提高can boost<~可以提振经济can boost economic<~“更好地利用所谓的”黄金水道“的可推动经济一体化发达国家(此处“国家”为机器误译,所以下面又截取较短的一段话用机器再翻)和贫困地区之间和注入新的能量转化为中国的经济增长””Better use of the so-called ‘golden waterway’ can boost economic integration between developed and impoverished regions and inject fresh energy into China’s economic growth,” <~可以促进发达和贫困地区之间的经济一体化can boost economic integration between developed and impoverished regions……. (3)完整的新闻句和甲甲参考译文_____ “更好地利用所说的”黄金水道“可推动发达地区和贫困地区之间经济一体化,并为中国的经济增长注入新的能量” 原文:”Better use of the so-called ‘golden waterway’ can boost economic integration between developed and impoverished regions and inject fresh energy into China’s economic growth,” (4)完整的新闻原文三段话及来源转录如下,供网友参考: China takes new steps to boost growth,12 June 2014 Last updated at 02:37 On Wednesday, the State Council said that the decision to build a multi-tier transport system along the Yangtze River will help create a new economic belt along the river.} “Better use of the so-called ‘golden waterway’ can boost economic integration between developed and impoverished regions and inject fresh energy into China’s economic growth,” the State Cabinet was quoted as saying by the state-owned Xinhua news agency. According to official data, the 11 provinces and municipalities along the river account for almost 41% of China’s overall gross domestic product.
未经允许不得转载:慧康网 » 2014-07-16 12:32【原创】 每天一句英语