Our EciP trial is on going. Here is EciP0824:Aesop’s fables
OurEciP trial is on going. Here is EciP0824:Aesop’sfables
The3rd arena of child development featuring micro-integrative education &healthcarefor all, a trial guided by the Human-centered & Health-focused informationPower Theory (HHiPtheory including HHiPcs)and to be supportedby the “Internet +” Projects developing Nationalinformationplatformand also Internet service platforms which will be soon effective jointlyvia a specifically designed and primarily developed Smart-city-systemincluding PPP arrangement)
PromotChild information Power(ciP) through English learning that integrated” English though Pictures, Washington Square Press “with”Basic Science Series” , “Aesop’s Fables”,”English 900″ and social activities.
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